We're working with re-wrap (a remarkable social enterprise investing in the women and farmers of India) to create the most fantastic, most useful tote bag for groceries.

All we need now is a brilliant, food-focused design to go on it.

The design can be typographical or illustrative, literal or abstract, playful or deadly serious.

Perhaps it celebrates a single ingredient, recipe or restaurant. Or maybe it evokes a particular food memory, cooking process or culture.

It doesn't have to include our logo or reference to our products. But if you want to include these then that's great, too.

Our only stipulations are that it should:

(1) fit within a printable area of H31cm x W39cm

(2) be in a single color

(3) look fantastic printed on natural cotton

The winning designer will receive a £1,000 cash prize plus a full set of knives.

Entry to our design competition closed on Friday 3rd May. Results will be posted here soon.

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