Does Anybody have tips ?
May 09, 2011 09:52AM
hi just wondered does anybody have any tips on how they enter if they win as been entering for ages now and not won anything . so is there certain things you do or certain times etc
Re: Does Anybody have tips ?
June 05, 2011 08:57PM
I find it quicker early morning or late at night, it must be the internet less busy
Re: Does Anybody have tips ?
January 14, 2013 12:13PM
I have a message, I been entering the competitions and I have noticed that when I type in my information
the type as gone to red type, does this mean anything.
Cheers, Charmers
Re: Does Anybody have tips ?
January 26, 2013 06:42PM
the same happens with me - it's annoying because now you can't go 'back' and re-enter the same comp more than once unless you re-type all the info again. no idea why they've done this
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