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Daily Quiz

Posted by kevincharley 
Daily Quiz
February 04, 2024 11:21PM
Question: 24: If Leonard followed George and Brendan followed Leonard who preceded and followed Sean ?
Answer: Robert .(middle names of James Bond actors)
Congratulations to those of you that answered this correctly. Your brains must be wired differently to mine!

Re: Daily Quiz
February 06, 2024 11:59AM
I wonder how many got this right? Very rare I am stumped but this one got me!
Re: Daily Quiz
June 02, 2024 04:28PM
Stumped me too, although I think I selected Robert as a totally random choice!
Re: Daily Quiz
June 21, 2024 06:00AM
Very odd I think Donald Sutherland appeared in all the films/tv listed in today’s daily quiz
Re: Daily Quiz
June 21, 2024 04:31PM
Red Dawn?
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